Paul Coyte’s Day Off

My great friend brought his great family to Chicago just before NYE and had a blast... But I'll let him tell the story here as he "yelp" rates his vacation.

I also have a couple of clips of Betty White's great career that you likely haven't heard everywhere else as her tributes continue. Thanks for listening to LIVE FROM MY OFFICE!

Betty White spent much of her life in support of animals who need our help. One that meant the most to her is American Humane. Support them however you can!

CNN tells the stories of that and more agencies she would love you to support.

Follow Paul Coyte on Twitter and Instagram and listen to him on TalkSport and TuneIn from 5-6AM London Time (11pm-midnight in Chicago) every weekday!

Subscribe to Live From My Office on Apple Podcasts, Spotify, or wherever you get your podcasts.

Follow Steve on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn.

Win an ABT gift card by emailing me three of your friends emails who you think would like the show, and include your mailing address in the email. Check out the details here.

Email the show with any questions, comments, or plugs for your favorite charity.


They Weren’t Tourists


Happy Holidays from Steve and Patty and The Deep 6!