How to Find (and Keep) Love NOW!

If you're truly looking for your person in life the biggest roadblock may be... you! Bela Gandhi of the Smart Dating Academy wants you to be happy and in love and can teach you how to put yourself out there in the best way possible.

How do you get there? Start by listening here as Bela joins me on this new episode of LIVE FROM MY OFFICE!


The fight for civil rights lives on everyday at the National Civil Rights Museum. Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. was murdered at the Lorraine Motel in Memphis. That site was transformed and lives on today as a living, breathing, legacy of the fight for equality and the work that continues everyday. Learn more and help today!

Learn more  bout the Smart Dating Academy and learn more about Bela.

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The Deep 6: CNN Needs a New Boss, Your Dog's Intelligence, and David Letterman


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