Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Who Had Her Invention Stolen

You know that old saying? Hell Hath No Fury Like a Woman Who Had Her Invention Stolen?

"Blood in the Water" tells the stories of the little guys who did the right thing but had their passion stolen by big companies... with the full support of the U.S. government. This book tells those stories and somehow is very entertaining along the way. Thanks for listening! 


Giving Tuesday is designed to follow Black Friday and Cyber Monday by asking you to be as generous as you can to those in need at the start of the holiday season. This list includes charities supported by Steve and Ross Cochran for years. They are all worthy of your support. 

Go to usinventor.org for details on the law that Congress needs to pass to fix the patent system.  You'll also find sample letters to send to your Reps to demand their support and protection for hard working inventors.

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Win an ABT gift card by emailing me three of your friends emails who you think would like the show, and include your mailing address in the email. Check out the details here.

Email the show with any questions, comments, or plugs for your favorite charity.


When Harry Met Rehab


The MOST WONDERFUL TIME of the Year... right?